In this section you may find downloadable material such as Gepaworld’s brands logos and trademarks, each of which represents the core values of our company.
If you would like to use any of Gepaworld’s resources, please do so by using the guidelines outlined as follows.
Logos: you may NOT, rotate or change the direction of the logo, change the color variations other than those provided for each accordingly, add special effects or use any marks that may be confused with the brand.
Trademarks: ORGANICPLUS[+], R3, GSAHYDRO[+], SUPERCOTTONTM, GSAAERO[+] and GSAHEAT[+] compose valueable and important intellectual property assets of the company. The proper use of our trademarks is key to our ability to associate them with the quality of our products. These were designed to help our customers properly refer to our trademarks and correctly use their logos.
Please follow these guidelines carefully when using them.
- GSA Brand logo-black/white
- GSA Brand logo-white/black
- GSA Glory & Heritage brand logo
- GSA 7191 brand logo white
- GSA 7191 brand logo black
- Jepa brand logo-white/blue
- Jepa brand logo-blue
- Jepa brand logo-black
- ORGANICPLUS[+] (white backround)
- ORGANICPLUS[+] (black backround)
- R3 (white backround)
- R3 (black backround)
- GSAHYDRO[+] (white backround)
- GSAHYDRO[+] (black backround)
- SUPERCOTTONTM (white backround)
- SUPERCOTTONTM (black backround)
- GSAAERO[+] (white background)
- GSAAERO[+] (blackbackground)
- GSAHEAT[+] (white backround)
- GSAHEAT[+] (black backround)